Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rhinelander a.k.a. Siberia

Made it to Rhinelander! I will be up here through New Year's most likely. Cheyenne came with me and is trying her best to cope with a noisy household. Don, Hope, and the kids showed up today. Kenny, Beth, and I went out this afternoon for some sledding fun. Can't wait to get over to Colfax and see the rest of the gang.

I have two favors to ask of the readers of this blog: keep your old magazines and newspapers for me and collect postage stamps for me. The magazines and newspapers I am gathering for my ESL students and for my fellow TAs in St. Cloud. Both students and TAs often need to find articles to use in projects, so save what you have and I'll get them from you the next time I see you. The stamps are for me. I am starting to collect again. I know; I am a nerd.


Lisa said...

Yes, Bill... embrace your inner nerd! Once you start, the sky's the limit on the NERDY FUN you'll discover.

Like Star Trek? How about Dr. Who reruns? Want to collect something obscure? Just go ahead and WALLOW in it.

lulu said...

well, lisa might be a nerd, but i am not! teeheehee.


William Bragg said...

i don't know lulu. i think perhaps you are in nerd denial. - Bill

Lisa said...

Ha, Bill... you said it!