Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ouch! I have braces now...

Here I am with a group of coworkers from the Intensive English Center. The picture was taken this past Friday at the graduation for the international students we worked during this semester. It is great that so many of our students will be moving to regular university studies. The graduation ceremony was fun, and there was a nice potluck meal to accompany it.

Below is a picture from a march I intended a few weeks ago. The event was in support of equal marriage rights for same-sex couples.

Finally, I had braces put on Monday. I'm pretty sore right now, but thankfully my teaching is done as are most of my classes and meetings for the semester, so I can lay on my futon doped up on Extra Strength Tylenol and Orajel. The beginning is supposed to be the worst they tell me. I sure hope they're right.

1 comment:

jkbinturkey said...

Dear Billbo Braggins,

The first couple office visits are the worst for braces. You'll get used to it. Good job on fighting the good fight on equal rights. See you in a week or so for Christmas. I'll put up a link to your blog on my (recently updated) site too.
