Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thesis Proposal Approved

Very good news. I passed my first thesis defense. I had to present my thesis project to a panel of three professors and then respond to their questions. This means that I will be able to conduct a study this spring and graduate in May. I will probably stay in Saint Cloud through the summer working at the Intensive English Center where I now work. After that, there are some interesting job possibilities for me in connection with Saint Cloud State and connected universities, but those are not definite so I'm not going to write about them on here.

Wish me luck on my two finals this week. They may be the last finals that I ever need to take! :)


Lisa said...

No wonder you're in a good mood! Congrats and good work. We're proud of what you're doing, Bill.

lulu said...

yay for bill! congratulations on your defense. we can't wait to see you in a couple weeks.


Hope said...

Hats off..Looking forward to celebrating in a few weeks!! though last finals???? No PhD in your future?

William Bragg said...

definitely no phd in the near future. bill